Launching SimplifyWhy

Welcome to Day 1

Today is the day I finally launch the site! I've had this goal for a while. To put it simply, I've wanted an outlet for my products and ideas but haven't gotten around to putting the work in.

What Comes Next

My goal here is to create useful products that solve real problems for people. Easier said than done right...


Who knows! I've been writing enterprise software for a few years now and have learned enough where I'm confident in making the leap on my own.

The Journey

To start I'll say I'm excited. Excited that I finally took the time to build out a platform that I can continually build upon. I'm also excited that I'm actually doing something outside of my day job.

I plan on documenting all of my projects from idea to a working product. Hopefully this will be something fun to look back upon in a few years. Hopefully this can also be used as a learning resource or inspiration to those following this path after me.

The Products

A couple things I've had on my mind.

  • Product Validation & Marketing Hub for Startups
  • Budget app with easy import/export functionality

I'm going to build and launch the budget tool as the product to kickstart the SimplifyWhy brand. The reason is simple; the scope of the tool I have in mind is very straightforward. This will also be a good example of building to an MVP fast.

The Ideas

And of course we have the space for me to share my ideas/insights. To be honest, I don't know what direction this blog is going to go. I might end up focusing this down based on tool/traffic success metrics.

This could also just be an aggregate of all my ideas.


And with that hopefully you'll check out the next post. I'm thinking about writing about how I built out this site and some of the future ideas and workflows I have in mind that will improve the workflow.

See you there!